Tuesday, 28 May 2013


Adhesives are used to join materials by glueing. Different types of adhesives are used for different materials - for example, if a product is going to be used outside, then a waterproof adhesive should be used.

There are different ways adhesive can be applied

  • Tape (double sided has an adhesive layer on both sides)
  • Spray 
  • Glue gun

PVA (polyvinyl acetate)General purpose woodwork glue. Some PVA adhesives are water resistant.

Synthetic resin

A strong water-resistant glue for woodwork. It needs to be mixed up immediately before use.
Epoxy resin

For joining metals and plastics. It is waterproof but must be mixed up immediately before use.
Contact adhesive

For joining polystyrene and fabrics. Also useful for fixing plastic laminates to a wooden base.
For the joining of acrylic and some other types of plastics. The adhesive "melts" the surface of the plastic and fuses it together.


  1. This is really wonderful list! Thanks for sharinng! By the way, please visit www.papti.com.ph.

  2. Amazing work,read for all, I would suggest everybody to read at least once. For adhesive in future i definately use your idea.
